Journal of Financial Research
支付系统 公开市场操作 货币供应量 影响
支付繫統 公開市場操作 貨幣供應量 影響
지부계통 공개시장조작 화폐공응량 영향
payment systems, open market operation, money supply, impact
The development of payment systems will enhance the efficiency of open market operation and delivery rate of the bond. It will be helpful to realize the Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) in the securities and fund settlement. Meanwhile, it will also cause monetary multiplier to become larger. Thus the same base money supply will cause more money in circular under higher efficient payment systems. For achieving the same money supply, the higher the operating efficiency of payment systems is, the less base money should be supplied. The research finds that Chinese open market operation has a delayed impact on money supply. The open market op- erations of current period haven't caused significant increase of money supply in the same period. On the contrary the efficieney of payment system will not only impact the current period money supply but also the next few periods. The empirical data support that there is negative correlation between the Renminbi and foreign exchange open market operations in China and the Renminbi open market operation has been carried passively to offset the impact of foreign exchange open market operation.