China Polulation.Resources and Environment
赵晋陵 刘闯 石瑞香 王正兴
趙晉陵 劉闖 石瑞香 王正興
조진릉 류틈 석서향 왕정흥
棉花贸易 虚拟水资源 欧盟 虚拟水贸易 WTO
棉花貿易 虛擬水資源 歐盟 虛擬水貿易 WTO
면화무역 허의수자원 구맹 허의수무역 WTO
cotton trade; virtual water resource; European Union; virtual water trade
中国在与欧盟国家的商品贸易中。直接进口的是初级农产品,但间接进口的却是隐藏在这些农产品中的虚拟水。研究这些潜在的水资源。对缓解我国水资源压力,保障粮食安全具有重要的现实意义。本文采用联合国粮农组织FAO的CROPWAT Model计算模型,借助Crop Wat for Windows计算软件,从资源当量转换的角度出发.计算中国自进入WTD以来与欧盟国家的棉花贸易中永资源转换以及虚拟水贸易情况。计算结果表明,2003—2005年中国在与欧盟的棉花贸易中,间接进口了151.28×10^6m^3的水资源,相当于节约了国内同等数量的水资源。本文可以为解决中国日益短缺的水资源问题提供有益参考。
中國在與歐盟國傢的商品貿易中。直接進口的是初級農產品,但間接進口的卻是隱藏在這些農產品中的虛擬水。研究這些潛在的水資源。對緩解我國水資源壓力,保障糧食安全具有重要的現實意義。本文採用聯閤國糧農組織FAO的CROPWAT Model計算模型,藉助Crop Wat for Windows計算軟件,從資源噹量轉換的角度齣髮.計算中國自進入WTD以來與歐盟國傢的棉花貿易中永資源轉換以及虛擬水貿易情況。計算結果錶明,2003—2005年中國在與歐盟的棉花貿易中,間接進口瞭151.28×10^6m^3的水資源,相噹于節約瞭國內同等數量的水資源。本文可以為解決中國日益短缺的水資源問題提供有益參攷。
중국재여구맹국가적상품무역중。직접진구적시초급농산품,단간접진구적각시은장재저사농산품중적허의수。연구저사잠재적수자원。대완해아국수자원압력,보장양식안전구유중요적현실의의。본문채용연합국량농조직FAO적CROPWAT Model계산모형,차조Crop Wat for Windows계산연건,종자원당량전환적각도출발.계산중국자진입WTD이래여구맹국가적면화무역중영자원전환이급허의수무역정황。계산결과표명,2003—2005년중국재여구맹적면화무역중,간접진구료151.28×10^6m^3적수자원,상당우절약료국내동등수량적수자원。본문가이위해결중국일익단결적수자원문제제공유익삼고。
In the course of mutual trade between China and European Union, China imports preliminary agricultural products directly, but obtains virtual water hidden in these products indirecdy. Researches on this potential water will play an important role in relieving pressure on water as well as ensuring food security. Therefore, importing these products is equivalent to importing indirectly water resources and saving intemal water resources. In this article, CROPWAT Model recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and CROPWAT for Windows software were adopted, and climate parameters required were obtained from CLIMWAT database. On the basis of resource equivalent conversion, water resource conversion and virtual water trade since China's entry into the World Trade Organization(WTO) were calculated. The results show that China has imported indirectly 151.28 × 10^6 m^3 water resources during the cotton trade with European Union from the period 2003 to 2005, which is equal to saving the same amout of water resources in China. This method could provide useful reference for relieving pressure on water resource in China.