Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
威廉·华兹华斯 《湖区指南》 工业化 城市化 审美趣味
威廉·華玆華斯 《湖區指南》 工業化 城市化 審美趣味
위렴·화자화사 《호구지남》 공업화 성시화 심미취미
William Wordsworth; A Guide to the Lakes; industrialization; urbanization; taste;
Wordsworth' s Guide to the Lakes is not merely a common tourist manual centering on introducing sceneries of the Lake District in the north of England, but a vivid social and historical picture demonstrating the intrusive penetration of ostentation and extravagance typical of the bustling urban areas into the retired Lake District. Based on his keen perception of and deep concern over the living states and moral health of men in the milieu of industrialization and urbanization in England, Wordsworth has formed his life program of "redeeming the world aesthetically" at an early stage of his literary career. Basically as an indispensable part of his life program, Wordsworth has meant his Guide to the Lakes for exalting the taste of tourists and residents of the Lake District, rather than "educating them to care for the delicate ecosystem of the Lakes" as claimed by Jonathan Bate in his Romantic Ecology.