Journal of China Three Gorges University(Humanities & Social Sciences)
韩寒 《光荣日》 狂欢化 后现代主义 叙事手法
韓寒 《光榮日》 狂歡化 後現代主義 敘事手法
한한 《광영일》 광환화 후현대주의 서사수법
HAN Han ; Glory Day ; carnival ; post-modern ; narration
Carnival is a cultural and literary theory put forward and systematically interpreted by Bakhtin on the basis of his study of popular culture and literature creation in medieval and Renaissance Europe. Chinese novel circles have witnessed a variety of "modern" explorations and experimentations, but still been confused by the problem of "which road to take. " The introduction of the theory of carnival fiction points out the "post-modern" direction for Chinese novel creation. HAN Han' s Glory Day is a novel with distinctive features of post-modern carnival narrative novel, embodied by the use of space parody, marginalized characters, double voices of the plots and vulgar language.