Studies of Zhouyi
先天《易》范式 笛卡尔坐标周期分析法 六十四卦方圆图 预测与决策
先天《易》範式 笛卡爾坐標週期分析法 六十四卦方圓圖 預測與決策
선천《역》범식 적잡이좌표주기분석법 륙십사괘방원도 예측여결책
Paradigm of Fu Xi's Changes, Periodic analysis method of Cartesian coordinate, Sixty-four Trigrams from the Great Ultimate Diagrams, Forecasting and decision-making
With the aid of Paradigm of Fu Xi's Changes, this paper takes Sixty-four Tfigrams from the Great Ultimate Diagrams as axioms of deductive logic symbols, makes a new definition of the six lines and their order rule, and adopts deductive logic method and dialectical logic method, to reveal that cyclical changes are the structure features of the development of things. According to periodic analysis method of Cartesian coordinate ( single factor periodic analysis), the nature of Yao ( Yin or Yang) is determined by degree of membership from fuzzy mathematics. The divinatory symbols which are gotten from synthetic analysis and their position in the "Sixty- four Trigrams from the Great Ultimate Diagrams", are the theoretical bases for the forecasting and decision-making. Finally, the case of finance investment demonstrates that Paradigm of Fu Xi's Changes in the forecasting and decision-making is feasible.