Acta Archaeologlca Sinica
西辽河流域 环境研究 史前时期 聚落 全球气候变化 考古学文化 生态脆弱地带 人类生存方式
西遼河流域 環境研究 史前時期 聚落 全毬氣候變化 攷古學文化 生態脆弱地帶 人類生存方式
서료하류역 배경연구 사전시기 취락 전구기후변화 고고학문화 생태취약지대 인류생존방식
The settlement is a product of the man-land relationship, and the selection of places for building settlements must satisfy the demand of human survival. In the Xinglongwa and Zhaobaogou cultures (a. 8000--6000 BP), people made a living mainly by gathering, fishing and hunting, and their settlements were located within the boundary of timberland suitable to those economic activities. Investigation shows that these settlements were largely concentrated on hill-slopes at a height of 400--600 m above sea level, while the mountain summits and river valleys beyond the limits played a part in this respect only during certain periods. Meanwhile, the West Liaohe River valley was one of the birthplaces of civilization. In the Hongshan and Upper Xiajiadian cultures (a. 6000--3000 BP), the weather was becoming cold and dry, primitive agriculture increased its proportion in the means of subsistence, and the population grew step by step, all of which caused the distribution of settlements to be expanded from timberland to lower grassland. In the Hongshan culture,farming began to play the leading role, whereas by the Upper Xiajiadian period, it had been supplemented by animal husbandry. Every change in the mode of man~s getting food was embodied in the relationship between the settlement and the environment: Gathering, fishing and hunting were entirely dependent on natural environment; the agriculture' s joining in decreased man's dependence on the natural world; and the breakthrough in the selection of the environment of settlements by expanding living space from timberland was just a result of promotion by agricultural production. Both the duration of settlement function and the alteration of settlement culture prove that the man-land relationship in the prehistoric West Liaohe River valley was kept in a state of relative balance. Either gathering, fishing and hunting in the Xinglongwa and Zhaobaogou cultures or agricultural production from the Hongshan period did not break through the environmental content of this region. The gathering, fishing and hunting economy of the Xinglongwa and Zhaobaogou periods made the functioning duration of settlements shorter than that in the Hongshan period and after when agriculture had held the leading position in economy. This suggests that, as exploiting economy and productive one were different in the rate of dependence on natural environment, with the settlement as the base, man's influence on environment was varied in time scale.