China Polulation.Resources and Environment
杨剑 蒲英霞 秦贤宏 何一鸣
楊劍 蒲英霞 秦賢宏 何一鳴
양검 포영하 진현굉 하일명
人口分布 空间格局 演变 浙江省
人口分佈 空間格跼 縯變 浙江省
인구분포 공간격국 연변 절강성
population distribution; spatial pattern; evolution; Zhejiang province
Economy is the engine of population growth. With the development of Zhejiang' s economy and its urbanization process, the amount of Zhejiang population is growing rapidly, and population distribution among cities has undergone significant change. In order to understand the characteristics of the spatial distribution pattern and the spatio-temporal dynamics of Zhejiang population, we use Spatial Autocorrelation, Unbalanced Coefficient, Population Gravity Center and Shift-Share Analysis to analyze the 69 cities (counties) between 1985 and 2007. The empirical results show that: (1) The, population density distribution in Zhejiang presents "Point-Bands-Region" structure that considers regiorrs at higher economic development level as high value points, links these high value points to bands by Hang-Yong and Yong-Tai-Wen expressways, and sees the other regions as low value regions. (2) The population distribution displays space correlation, and presents "High-high Concentration" around Hangzhou Bay region of Northeast Zhejiang and Southeast Zhejiang Coastal Area. (3) The population distribution is much more inbalanced and Unbalanced Coefficient increases gradually. (4) Population deviation growth among three regions has obvious differences, such as the total offset in Southeast Zhejiang Coastal Area being positive, basically stable in Hangzhou Bay region of Northeast Zhejiang and negative in the last region, and the population gravity center moving to the south of Zhejiang gradually.