Journal of The Central University for Nationalities(Humane and Social Sciences Edition)
以人为本 人权 少数民族 发展权
以人為本 人權 少數民族 髮展權
이인위본 인권 소수민족 발전권
people oriented; ethnic minority groups; right to development
"People-oriented" philosophy is the expression of core values of development right in contemporary human right.It is a Chinese-style expression of the right to development under the vision of contemporary human rights.As to the Chinese ethnic minorities,the "people-oriented" development philosophy is the theoretical basis of its protection of human rights,It is also the guiding ideology to promote prosperity development of Chinese ethnic minorities.The practice of the Chinese Communist Party in the new China development has always been the continuous promotion of human rights practices and the practice of continuous exploring protection of the right to development.A large amount of data and facts show that the development of China's ethnic minorities is the development in the international human rights protection view and their right to development is continually evolving.