Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)
以教摄政 为政以德 礼乐制度 以孝治天下
以教攝政 為政以德 禮樂製度 以孝治天下
이교섭정 위정이덕 례악제도 이효치천하
governing by teaching; governing with morality; rites and music system; rule the world with filial piety
The general pattern and principle of kingliness politics is to govern by teaching and with morality. He thought that there was no politics without morality and ren (humane) could include all. Teaching and morality is humane government,for which the rites and music system must be implemented. Ma Yifu thought that government could be nothing if rites and music were excluded because all political documents were developed for rites. Filial piety is the practical principle of performing kingliness politics. According to the meanings of rites and music,their performance must be based on filial piety and filial piety can be represented by ren and Tao. Therefore,Ma Yifu's concept of kingliness politics can be summarized as and even referred to morality teaching and human government,or rites and music system,or ruling the world with filial piety. These three aspects,as a whole,make up the main content of kingliness politics,which is the essence of his concept of kingliness politics.