Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry(Social Science)
《关雎》 James Legge译本 Arthur Waley译本 诗歌翻译
《關雎》 James Legge譯本 Arthur Waley譯本 詩歌翻譯
《관저》 James Legge역본 Arthur Waley역본 시가번역
Guanju; James Legge; Arthur Waley; translation of poems
诗歌的翻译问题一直困扰着国内外学者,对于同一原作的各种译本也褒贬不一。通过对《关雎》的两个译本,即,James Legge的译本和Arthur Waley的译本从词义理解和内涵文化理解两方面做了对比与分析,以展示二者之间的异同。James Legge注重诗句表面意思的理解,在翻译过程中主要采用直译法,虽然忠实于原文,但是语言的弹性受到了很大的限制;Arthur Waley主要采用意译法,他的译本对诗句词义和内涵文化的理解相对比较到位,在翻译的过程中也注意了韵脚,但还不是非常的抑扬顿挫,尚不能原汁原味地再现原诗的形与神。
詩歌的翻譯問題一直睏擾著國內外學者,對于同一原作的各種譯本也褒貶不一。通過對《關雎》的兩箇譯本,即,James Legge的譯本和Arthur Waley的譯本從詞義理解和內涵文化理解兩方麵做瞭對比與分析,以展示二者之間的異同。James Legge註重詩句錶麵意思的理解,在翻譯過程中主要採用直譯法,雖然忠實于原文,但是語言的彈性受到瞭很大的限製;Arthur Waley主要採用意譯法,他的譯本對詩句詞義和內涵文化的理解相對比較到位,在翻譯的過程中也註意瞭韻腳,但還不是非常的抑颺頓挫,尚不能原汁原味地再現原詩的形與神。
시가적번역문제일직곤우착국내외학자,대우동일원작적각충역본야포폄불일。통과대《관저》적량개역본,즉,James Legge적역본화Arthur Waley적역본종사의리해화내함문화리해량방면주료대비여분석,이전시이자지간적이동。James Legge주중시구표면의사적리해,재번역과정중주요채용직역법,수연충실우원문,단시어언적탄성수도료흔대적한제;Arthur Waley주요채용의역법,타적역본대시구사의화내함문화적리해상대비교도위,재번역적과정중야주의료운각,단환불시비상적억양돈좌,상불능원즙원미지재현원시적형여신。
The translation of poems has been perplexing the scholars and experts at home and abroad.As to different translation versions of the same work,there are different comments,some of which are positive while others are negative.This paper makes a comparison and contrast between James Legge's and Arthur Waley's versions of "Guanju" from the perspective of word comprehension and culture connotation,from which their respective wits and limitations can be easily found.James Legge attaches greater importance to the interpretation of surface meaning and the main method he uses during the process of translation is the literal translation.Although this method is faithful to the source language,the translated version is greatly restricted.While,the main method Arthur Waley uses during the process of translation is free translation.In addition,comparatively speaking,he could interpret the content and the cultural connotation of the poem more accurately.During the process of the translation he could also notice the foot rhyme.But his version is not very perfect and the form and the spirit of the original poem could not reoccur.