Securities Market Herald
闪电指令 交易方式 高频交易 市场创新
閃電指令 交易方式 高頻交易 市場創新
섬전지령 교역방식 고빈교역 시장창신
Flash Order; Trading Mechanism; High frequency transaction; Market Innovation
This article first describes flash orders, the dark pools and the high-frequency trading, and the impact of trading technology innovation on the securities market. The pros and cons of flash trades and the resulting controversy are also briefly discussed. This is followed by the analysis and evaluation of the effects of flash trades on the securities market fairness and efficiency from four aspects: the fairness to obtain trade information, the price discovery mechanism of the securities market, the optimal execution of clients' orders, and the disclosure of trading information. Regarding the enlightenment of debate of flash orders on Chinese securities market, this article points out that although the trading mechanism similar to flash trades will not take place in the domestic securities market in a near future, the research in this area should not be ignored, and under the premise of risk being measurable, controllable and affordable the innovation in the stock exchange should be actively promoted based on the characteristics of Chinese capital market.