Open Education Research
在线学习 诉求 对话 硕士学位课程 教学活动 世界范围 学习行为 企业大学
在線學習 訴求 對話 碩士學位課程 教學活動 世界範圍 學習行為 企業大學
재선학습 소구 대화 석사학위과정 교학활동 세계범위 학습행위 기업대학
It is obvious that the significance of online learning is growing all over the world. This is indicated among other things by the new learning behaviour of members of the" netgeneration" (Tapscott, 1997) , the success of virtual Master' s degree courses in several countries ( Bernath & Rubin, 2003 ) and the development and trial of virtual and corporative universities ( Ryan , 2001 ; Schulmeister , 2001 ; Hazemi & Hailes , 2002 ). The proportion of teaching events that take place in virtual teaching spaces is growing. The paradigm change that this necessitates is bringing a- bout a change in consciousness that has never before been experienced. Students,university teachers and experts are frequently encountered who are so convinced of the specific pedagogic possibilities of online learning and its innovative powers, and expect so much of them,that they regard traditional forms of learning and teaching,for example, talking together in a classroom or seminar, as outdated or even obsolete. There are publications on topics of online learning in which presence phases are no longer even mentioned ( e. g. Ryan et al. , 2000 ). This situation has caused me to examine whether such attitudes and opinions are correct. Can a trend be seen here that should lead to concern for pedagogical reasons?