Journal of Yunnan Nationalities University:Social Sciences
福斯特 《莫瑞斯》 同性恋 焦虑 困惑
福斯特 《莫瑞斯》 同性戀 焦慮 睏惑
복사특 《막서사》 동성련 초필 곤혹
E.M.Forster; Maurice; homosexuality; anxiety; perplexity
Maurice reflects Forster's long and arduous exploration of the nature and implications of homosexuality.The three protagonists in Maurice reflect from different angles the different aspects of Forster's ethics of homosexuality in different stages of his life as well as the huge pressure of the dominant heterosexual discourse and the value orientation of the traditional society on homosexuality,the homosexuals'anxiety and perplexity as well as their torturous process of identity recognition.Forster's refusal of its publication in his life time and his understatement of the homosexual actions in the novel require an understanding of its in-depth implications:homosexuality has the duality of the spiritual and the erogenous orientation as well as its dual appeals while the homosexuals'identity recognition is a long and torturous process in which anxiety and perplexity always remain.