Academic Monthly
默证 限度 层累 因承 佚失
默證 限度 層纍 因承 佚失
묵증 한도 층루 인승 일실
argument from silence, limit, heap up, inherit, be lost
Some scholars Their arguments against of empty discussion that rects no attention to his did not fully understand Zhang Yinlin's criticism on argument from silence. Zhang were somewhat abstract and minor details, thus remaining only a kind could not really reject his criticism. The view that 'theory of heaping up' ditorical ontology does not hold water. On the contrary, this theory puts emphasis on transposition of the historical ontology. In addition, the view that argument from silence can be used when directing no attention to historical ontology is logically self-contradictory and sophistry. In fact, the inherent relationship among the historical materials determines that the practice that chronology of the historical materials decides chronology of content of historical materials is not so appropriate. Therefore, the view that 'theory of heaping up' is 'transposition' of historical ontology actually separated this inherent relationship in the development of history. It is very important to stick strictly to the historical materials for historical research. However, if the argument is too much based on the historical materials without any inference or deduction, the truth will remain to be the tip of an iceberg.