Journal of Academic Libraries
Human Library外语学习 学习模式
Human Library外語學習 學習模式
Human Library외어학습 학습모식
Human Library; Foreign Language ~ Learning Model
Human Library是一种新颖的基于对话的教育方法。在Human Library中,Human Book是由人充当的。人在读书的同时,“书”也在读人。在经验分享上,Human Book具有开放性。只要基本设施具备,对活动的主办者没有限制。Human Library的发展历程表明,将Hu—man Library的理念应用到学生的外语学习中是完全可行的。最后以日语为例提出了一种基于Human Library的外语学习模式。
Human Library是一種新穎的基于對話的教育方法。在Human Library中,Human Book是由人充噹的。人在讀書的同時,“書”也在讀人。在經驗分享上,Human Book具有開放性。隻要基本設施具備,對活動的主辦者沒有限製。Human Library的髮展歷程錶明,將Hu—man Library的理唸應用到學生的外語學習中是完全可行的。最後以日語為例提齣瞭一種基于Human Library的外語學習模式。
Human Library시일충신영적기우대화적교육방법。재Human Library중,Human Book시유인충당적。인재독서적동시,“서”야재독인。재경험분향상,Human Book구유개방성。지요기본설시구비,대활동적주판자몰유한제。Human Library적발전역정표명,장Hu—man Library적이념응용도학생적외어학습중시완전가행적。최후이일어위례제출료일충기우Human Library적외어학습모식。
The Human Library is an innovative educational method based on dialogue. Human Books are people just like you and me. A Human Book is also reading you while you are reading it. They are open about, who they are and prepared to share their experiences. A great advantage to the Human Library methodology is that, it is not difficult to adapt to different circumstances. The history of the Human Library shows that it is entirely feasible that the concept of the Human Library will be applied to Japanese learning. Finally, the paper puts forward a model of Foreign Language learning based on the human library in Japanese as an example.