Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
朱光潜 美学 美感经验 艺术 终极关怀
硃光潛 美學 美感經驗 藝術 終極關懷
주광잠 미학 미감경험 예술 종겁관부
Zhu Guangqian ; aesthetics ; aesthetic experience ; art ; ultimate concern
"Aesthetic experience" serves as the link between Zhu Guangqian's aesthetic thoughts and his philosophy of life. Zhu Guangqian probes into the psychological mechanism, underlying causes and subsequent consequences of "aesthetic experience", which is scientific in nature. The transcendence of life can be achieved through "aesthetic experience". In other words, life can be artful, which is the essence of his philosophy of life. A clarification of the relationship between his aesthetic thoughts and phi- losophy of life will enable us to understand him better and provide reference for the research on aesthetics and philosophy.