Psychological Science
焦江丽 刘毅 王勇慧 闻素霞 胡炳政
焦江麗 劉毅 王勇慧 聞素霞 鬍炳政
초강려 류의 왕용혜 문소하 호병정
双语 单语 抑制控制 返回抑制
雙語 單語 抑製控製 返迴抑製
쌍어 단어 억제공제 반회억제
bilingual; monolingual; inhibition of control; inhibition of return
采用3×2被试内设计,以返回抑制(Inhibition of return,简称IOR)范式为基础,考察双语者与单语者的抑制控制差异。结果发现:(1)短SOA时,两组被试均出现了显著的IOR,长SOA时IOR现象消失,说明两组被试在IOR出现的时程上并无差异。(2)双语者的IOR效应量明显大于单语者,研究结果支持了双语学习对抑制控制能力发展起到促进作用的观点,并且这一促进作用在成人被试中仍然存在。
採用3×2被試內設計,以返迴抑製(Inhibition of return,簡稱IOR)範式為基礎,攷察雙語者與單語者的抑製控製差異。結果髮現:(1)短SOA時,兩組被試均齣現瞭顯著的IOR,長SOA時IOR現象消失,說明兩組被試在IOR齣現的時程上併無差異。(2)雙語者的IOR效應量明顯大于單語者,研究結果支持瞭雙語學習對抑製控製能力髮展起到促進作用的觀點,併且這一促進作用在成人被試中仍然存在。
채용3×2피시내설계,이반회억제(Inhibition of return,간칭IOR)범식위기출,고찰쌍어자여단어자적억제공제차이。결과발현:(1)단SOA시,량조피시균출현료현저적IOR,장SOA시IOR현상소실,설명량조피시재IOR출현적시정상병무차이。(2)쌍어자적IOR효응량명현대우단어자,연구결과지지료쌍어학습대억제공제능력발전기도촉진작용적관점,병차저일촉진작용재성인피시중잉연존재。
With a 2×3×2 mixed subjects design measured the ablitiy of inhibtion between bilinguals and monolinguals.The results showed:(1) Inhibition of return appeared at short SOA,but disappeared at long SOA,which indates that there is no difference between bilingual and monolinguals in the time course of IOR.(2) The effect of Inhibition of return was longer in blinguals than monolinguals.This result support the view that blingual study promotes the ability of inhibtion and also exists in the adults subjects.