Industrial Engineering Journal
张旭梅 乔丰娟 宋寒 侯兴哲
張旭梅 喬豐娟 宋寒 侯興哲
장욱매 교봉연 송한 후흥철
供应商管理库存 库存水平 努力水平 供应链协调
供應商管理庫存 庫存水平 努力水平 供應鏈協調
공응상관리고존 고존수평 노력수평 공응련협조
vendor managed inventory(VMI); inventory level; effort level; supply chain coordination
针对一个实施VM I(供应商管理库存)的两级供应链,市场需求受供应商和零售商双重努力影响的问题,建立了基于协作关系的库存和努力水平决策模型。通过分析得出在分散决策下供应商选择的库存水平和零售商选择的努力水平均低于集中决策下的最优水平,供应链效率也较低。设计了一个成本分摊契约协调供应链。结果表明,该契约能将供应商和零售商紧密地联系在一起,且通过供应商和零售商的共同努力能获得比分散式决策下更大的利润。
針對一箇實施VM I(供應商管理庫存)的兩級供應鏈,市場需求受供應商和零售商雙重努力影響的問題,建立瞭基于協作關繫的庫存和努力水平決策模型。通過分析得齣在分散決策下供應商選擇的庫存水平和零售商選擇的努力水平均低于集中決策下的最優水平,供應鏈效率也較低。設計瞭一箇成本分攤契約協調供應鏈。結果錶明,該契約能將供應商和零售商緊密地聯繫在一起,且通過供應商和零售商的共同努力能穫得比分散式決策下更大的利潤。
침대일개실시VM I(공응상관리고존)적량급공응련,시장수구수공응상화령수상쌍중노력영향적문제,건립료기우협작관계적고존화노력수평결책모형。통과분석득출재분산결책하공응상선택적고존수평화령수상선택적노력수평균저우집중결책하적최우수평,공응련효솔야교저。설계료일개성본분탄계약협조공응련。결과표명,해계약능장공응상화령수상긴밀지련계재일기,차통과공응상화령수상적공동노력능획득비분산식결책하경대적리윤。
The coordination problem for a two-stage supply chain composed of a supplier and a retailer is considered in this paper.It is a vendor managed inventory(VMI) supply chain and the demands are influenced by both the supplier and retailer's efforts.Based on collaborative partnerships with inventory-level decision and effort-decision,a mathematical model is developed.With this model,analysis is carried out.It shows that,under decentralized decision-making,both the inventory level and effort level of the supplier and retailer are below the optimal ones obtained under the centralized decision-making.In other words,the efficiency of supply chain under the decentralized decision-making is worse than that under the centralized one.To solve this problem,a cost sharing contract is presented to coordinate the decentralized supply chain.Analysis shows that such a contract can make both sides in the supply chain collaborative such that more profit can be gained for both sides than that obtained without coordination.