Journal of Physical Education
郭文 黄依柱 祝娅
郭文 黃依柱 祝婭
곽문 황의주 축아
运动心理学 体质健康 身体锻炼自我效能感 目标自我一致 体育锻炼参与度
運動心理學 體質健康 身體鍛煉自我效能感 目標自我一緻 體育鍛煉參與度
운동심이학 체질건강 신체단련자아효능감 목표자아일치 체육단련삼여도
sports psychology; prominent physical health problem; sense of self efficacy in physical exercising;self target consistence; degree of physical exercising participation
The purpose of this study is to probe into the mechanism of action of the sense of self efficacy in physical exercising on the degree of physical exercising participation by college students with a prominent physical health problem, i.e. whether the sense of self efficacy in physical exercising will produce effects on the degree of physical exercising participation by college students with a prominent physical health problem through the function of mediation of self target consistence. By using the method of questionnaire survey, the authors studied 1624 college students with a prominent physical health problem who were sampled from 8 institutes of higher learning in Hunan, and revealed the following findings: 1)there was a significant positive correlation between the sense of self efficacy in physical exercising or self target consistence and the degree of physical exercising participation; 2)the sense of self efficacy in physical exercising had a positive effect on self target consistence or the degree of physical exercising participation; 3)self target consistence had a positive effect on the degree of physical exercising participation; 4)self target consistence had a complete function of mediation between the sense of self efficacy in physical exercising and the degree of physical exercising participation; initiative motives had a partial function of mediation between the sense of self efficacy in physical exercising and the degree of physical exercising participation; the function of mediation of controlling motives between the sense of self efficacy in physical exercising and the degree of physical exercising participation was not significant.