Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education
王正珍 冯炜权 任弘 李红娟
王正珍 馮煒權 任弘 李紅娟
왕정진 풍위권 임홍 리홍연
ACSM EIM 运动处方 体力活动
ACSM EIM 運動處方 體力活動
ACSM EIM 운동처방 체력활동
ACSM; EIM; exercise prescription; physical activity
2007年美国运动医学学会和美国医学会共同发起了以增加体力活动和适当运动促进健康为核心的"Exercise is Medicine(简称EI M)"项目。此项目的核心思想是把"人体可从运动中大量获益,要正确制定和使用运动处方"等促进运动和体力活动的理念向全世界推广。EI M建立了网站,撰写出版了《AC-SM′s Exercise is MedicineTM-临床医生的运动处方指南》一书,采用多种形式推广实施这一健身新理念,并于2010年首次召开"EI M"全球大会。EI M理念值得密切关注,并应在我国推广和应用。
2007年美國運動醫學學會和美國醫學會共同髮起瞭以增加體力活動和適噹運動促進健康為覈心的"Exercise is Medicine(簡稱EI M)"項目。此項目的覈心思想是把"人體可從運動中大量穫益,要正確製定和使用運動處方"等促進運動和體力活動的理唸嚮全世界推廣。EI M建立瞭網站,撰寫齣版瞭《AC-SM′s Exercise is MedicineTM-臨床醫生的運動處方指南》一書,採用多種形式推廣實施這一健身新理唸,併于2010年首次召開"EI M"全毬大會。EI M理唸值得密切關註,併應在我國推廣和應用。
2007년미국운동의학학회화미국의학회공동발기료이증가체력활동화괄당운동촉진건강위핵심적"Exercise is Medicine(간칭EI M)"항목。차항목적핵심사상시파"인체가종운동중대량획익,요정학제정화사용운동처방"등촉진운동화체력활동적이념향전세계추엄。EI M건립료망참,찬사출판료《AC-SM′s Exercise is MedicineTM-림상의생적운동처방지남》일서,채용다충형식추엄실시저일건신신이념,병우2010년수차소개"EI M"전구대회。EI M이념치득밀절관주,병응재아국추엄화응용。
The American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM) and American Medical Association(AMA) co-launched an Exercise is Medicine(EIM) program which aimed at physical activity and exercise health promotion in 2007.The core idea of this program is to spread the idea "Exercise is beneficial to human bodies and proper exercise prescription is needed",which will promote sports and physical activities all over the world.The EIM website has been established.The reference book ACSM's Exercise is MedicineTM-A Clinician's Guide to Exercise Prescription was published.This new scientific concept for health has been promoted and put into practice in various ways.The EIM Global Conference was held in 2010 for the first time.This new concept should be applied and disseminated in China, which is worth to pay close attention.