Journal of Shanghai Physical Education Institute
上海 单项体育赛事 规划 申办 运作 评估 行政管理体制
上海 單項體育賽事 規劃 申辦 運作 評估 行政管理體製
상해 단항체육새사 규화 신판 운작 평고 행정관리체제
Shanghai; single sports event; planning; bidding; operation ; evaluation; administrative system
From the four phases of planning, bidding, operation and evaluation, the present paper analyzed the current situation of the administrative management in major single sports events in Shanghai. It pointed out the following problems existing in the process of major single sports event operation in Shanghai : absence and dislocation of government administration and market failure and put forward the following suggestions: adopt graded and classified sports event management system; draw up long term strategic planning of sports event; clarify government functions and enhance the sports event management in public goods and public resources; fund the sports event through the government purchase of public goods and establish the sports event management mode with the integration of the leading group for sports event operation, large-scale sports management corporation, sports event operation company and other related institutions.