Shanghai Finance
张亮亮 杨青 熊国兵 祁洁萍
張亮亮 楊青 熊國兵 祁潔萍
장량량 양청 웅국병 기길평
可违约企业债券 随机违约强度 Vasicek模型 敏感性分析 压力测试
可違約企業債券 隨機違約彊度 Vasicek模型 敏感性分析 壓力測試
가위약기업채권 수궤위약강도 Vasicek모형 민감성분석 압력측시
Defauhable Corporate Bond; Stochastic Default Intensity;, Vasicek Model; Sensitivity Analysis; Stress Test
Fixed income securities have huge investment in single bond or portfolio, and are doomed to facecer tain market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. On the basis of practice, the article adopts a new method, which is based on stochastic default intensity and Vasieek interest rate model, to conduct sensitivity analysis and stress test, instead of using the traditional method, which is parallel shift of yield curve. We use data of Chinabond prices to check out the sensitivity analysis and stress test of the market risk and credit risk of China's fixed income securities portfolios. With the accurately calibrated model, the result is that the higher the long term equilibrium interest rate and default rate are, the lower the bond price is; the lower the mean reversion rate and volatility rate is, the lower the bond price is.