Psychological Science
类SNARC效应 离散量 连续量 距离效应 Stroop效应
類SNARC效應 離散量 連續量 距離效應 Stroop效應
류SNARC효응 리산량 련속량 거리효응 Stroop효응
SNARC-like effect; discrete property; continuous property; distance effect; Stroop effect
It has been frequently observed that small numbers are responded to faster with the left hand and large numbers with the right hand(i.e.SNARC effect),which reflects the spatial left-right orientation of the mental number line.The present study aimed at exploring whether SNARC effect exists in the area comparison task and the luminance comparison task. In Experiment 1,we examined whether SNARC effect appeared in the area comparison task.Twenty-one college students took part in the experiment.The experiment was programmed with the E-Prime software.The experiment adopted a2×2×2×2×2 within-subject design.The five independent factors were(1) response hands:left and right;(2) tasks of comparison:number semantic and area of circle;(3) magnitude of comparison stimuli:bigger-than-standard stimulus and smaller-than-standard stimulus; (4) the relationship between numerical semantic and area of circle in standard stimuli:congruity and incongruity;(5) distance between the comparison stimulus and the standard stimulus:small and big.The dependent factors were reaction time and error rate. The results indicated that SNARC effect was not exclusive to number.In the circle area comparison task the participants responded faster with the left hand to the circle whose area was smaller than that of the standard and responded faster with the right hand to the circle whose area was bigger than the area of the standard.That is to say,the relative small area coded on the left end of the"mental number line"and the relative big area coded on the right end of"mental number line". Experiment 2 was conducted in the same environment as Experiment 1.Seventeen college students took part in the experiment for credit.The experiment adopted 2×2×2×2 within-subject design.Four independent factors were(1) response hands:left and right;(2) tasks of comparison:number semantic and luminance of circle;(3) magnitude of comparing stimuli:bigger than-the-standard stimulus and smaller than-the-standard stimulus;(4) distance between the comparison the stimulus and standard stimulus: small and big.The result showed that the left hand responded faster to the higher luminance circle and the right hand responded faster to the lower luminance circle,which indicated that SNARC effect was strong.In the luminance comparison task the left hand was more accurate to brighter comparison stimuli and the right hand was good at comparing darker stimuli.The results indicated that SNARC effect could be obtained in the area comparison task and the luminance comparison task.Furthermore,the results suggested that(1) the spatial left-right orientation of area and luminance representation possess dynamic property,(2) the distance effect that was observed in the number comparison task also existed in the area comparison and luminance comparison,and Stroop effect that was observed in the number comparison task also existed in area comparison,(3) the response speed of area comparison and of luminance comparison was faster than that of numerical comparison.Further work to be done includes(1) to test whether other continuous properties of stimulis such as hue,weight,angle,etc.are represented in a similar way;(2) to explore whether the automatic processing of continuous properties of stimuli are processed unconsciously.