Journal of Physical Education
董业平 李宁 李尚胥 李静苹 刁吉丽
董業平 李寧 李尚胥 李靜蘋 刁吉麗
동업평 리저 리상서 리정평 조길려
运动心理学 健身操练习 言语诱导 心率
運動心理學 健身操練習 言語誘導 心率
운동심이학 건신조연습 언어유도 심솔
exercise psychology; calisthenics; voice elicitation; heart rate
通过历时20周的实验,测量运动前后和次晨的心率,探讨语言加音乐诱导对中老年女性健身操运动量控制的效果,结果表明:在中老年女性健身操练习中,只有音乐伴奏与音乐伴奏加上言语诱导相比较,不同练习时段的效果不同。准备活动时段(0~15 min)的运动量,只有音乐伴奏的练习明显大于音乐伴奏加言语诱导;练习高潮时段(15~30~45 min)两种练习的运动量无明显差异;整理时段(45~60 min)、练习结束后5 min和10 min及次晨恢复的情况,音乐伴奏加语言诱导的练习明显好于只有音乐伴奏。提示只有音乐伴奏加语言诱导的健身操练习能有效控制运动量,影响练习后的恢复效果。
通過歷時20週的實驗,測量運動前後和次晨的心率,探討語言加音樂誘導對中老年女性健身操運動量控製的效果,結果錶明:在中老年女性健身操練習中,隻有音樂伴奏與音樂伴奏加上言語誘導相比較,不同練習時段的效果不同。準備活動時段(0~15 min)的運動量,隻有音樂伴奏的練習明顯大于音樂伴奏加言語誘導;練習高潮時段(15~30~45 min)兩種練習的運動量無明顯差異;整理時段(45~60 min)、練習結束後5 min和10 min及次晨恢複的情況,音樂伴奏加語言誘導的練習明顯好于隻有音樂伴奏。提示隻有音樂伴奏加語言誘導的健身操練習能有效控製運動量,影響練習後的恢複效果。
통과력시20주적실험,측량운동전후화차신적심솔,탐토어언가음악유도대중노년녀성건신조운동량공제적효과,결과표명:재중노년녀성건신조연습중,지유음악반주여음악반주가상언어유도상비교,불동연습시단적효과불동。준비활동시단(0~15 min)적운동량,지유음악반주적연습명현대우음악반주가언어유도;연습고조시단(15~30~45 min)량충연습적운동량무명현차이;정리시단(45~60 min)、연습결속후5 min화10 min급차신회복적정황,음악반주가어언유도적연습명현호우지유음악반주。제시지유음악반주가어언유도적건신조연습능유효공제운동량,영향연습후적회복효과。
The authors probed into the functions of voice plus music elicitation in controlling the volume of calisthenics for middle age and elderly women,made an experimental comparative study lasting 20 weeks,and by measuring the heart rates before and after exercising and in the next morning,revealed the following findings: in calisthenics for middle age and elderly women,the effects of music accompaniment only and music accompaniment plus voice elicitation were different at different exercising periods;in the warm-up period(0-15 min),the volume of exercising with music accompaniment only was significantly higher than the volume of exercising with music accompaniment plus voice elicitation;in the exercising peak period(15-30-45 min),there was no significant difference between the volumes of the two kinds of exercising;in the ending period(45-60 min),5 min and 10 min after exercising,and in the next morning,the recovery from exercising with music accompaniment plus voice elicitation was significantly better than the recovery from exercising with music accompaniment only.It is suggested that only the calisthenics with music accompaniment plus voice elicitation can effectively control the volume of exercising,and affect the effect of recovery after exercising.