Dunhuang Research
张艳杰 王旭东 郭青林 张得煊 杨善龙 陈雨 樊再轩
張豔傑 王旭東 郭青林 張得煊 楊善龍 陳雨 樊再軒
장염걸 왕욱동 곽청림 장득훤 양선룡 진우 번재헌
红外热像 壁画 空鼓 灌浆 检测
紅外熱像 壁畫 空鼓 灌漿 檢測
홍외열상 벽화 공고 관장 검측
Infrared imaging; Wall-painting; Detachment; Grouting; Detection
When there are detachments in walls happens,the thermal conductivities between the location with detachment and without detachment are different,also their response to the process of temperature elevation and decline.The size and location of detachment can be analyzed according to the distinction of surface temperature caught by Infrared Imaging.It can influence the change of the surface temperature of wall if the temperature of grout is different from the wall when grouting.Flow direction can be estimated intuitively and accurately according to the change of the surface temperature of the wall.After field tests,it can be found that Infrared Imaging can detect the detachment and grouting process of wall painting visualized and quickly.It plays an important role in judging the detachment and controlling the grouting process.It is a better method which can be used to detect the detachment and grouting process of wall painting nondestructively.