Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
雷蒙·卡佛 叙事结尾 不确定性 故事/话语之分
雷矇·卡彿 敘事結尾 不確定性 故事/話語之分
뢰몽·잡불 서사결미 불학정성 고사/화어지분
Raymond Carver; narrative ending ; indeterminacy; story/discourse distinction
Like many other "Minimalist" fiction, most of the 65 short stories produced by Raymond Carver are indeterminate in ending. Borrowing Narratological distinction of "story" and "discourse", we can identify three types of "indeterminate" ending in Carver's fiction, namely, the ending indeterminate at the "story" level but determinate at the "discourse" level, the ending determinate at the "story" level but indeterminate at the "discourse" level, and finally, the ending indeterminate at both the "story" level and "discourse" level. We hold that these three types of ending, in their own manners, establish the way Carver communicates with his readers: the first type does not enable the reader to know how the conflict is eventually re- solved, but enables him/her to make clear judgments about the fictional world. The reader in the second type of ending, faced with an apparently resolved conflict, does not know for sure how to make out the meaning of the fictional world. In the third type of ending, the reader is positioned in a fictional world whose ontological status is indeterminable and is therefore not able to pass any value judgment onto the characters and events in the world.