Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology
潘国平 孙秀萍 胡立敏 朱铁权 黄慧怡
潘國平 孫秀萍 鬍立敏 硃鐵權 黃慧怡
반국평 손수평 호립민 주철권 황혜이
高棉瓷器 Thnal Mrech窑 Bang Kong窑 柬埔寨
高棉瓷器 Thnal Mrech窯 Bang Kong窯 柬埔寨
고면자기 Thnal Mrech요 Bang Kong요 간포채
Khmer glazed stone wares; Thnal Mrech klin; Bang Kong kiln; Cambodia
为揭示高棉古代瓷器的制作工艺及其特征,用体视显微镜、微聚焦能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪、X射线衍射仪等,对柬埔寨Thnal Mrech窑与Bang Kong窑出土的陶瓷器进行系统的分析测试。结果表明,两个窑口使用了不同种类的制瓷原料。Thnal Mrech窑的青釉瓷原料具有高硅低铝的特征,对原料的处理比较精细;瓷胎、釉颜色的差异,与其铁、钛等致色元素的含量有关;两个窑口的瓷釉中,均添加了草木灰作为主要助熔剂,从瓷釉的配方来说,Thnal Mrech窑与Bang Kong青釉瓷均属钙釉,而Bang Kang窑的酱釉瓷中既有钙碱釉,也有碱钙釉;柬埔寨吴哥时期陶瓷器的烧制温度可达1200℃,同时,两个窑口的瓷器烧成温度还没有一个严格的标准。分析结果对探讨柬埔寨古陶瓷发展史及中柬之间的文化交流史有重要参考价值。
為揭示高棉古代瓷器的製作工藝及其特徵,用體視顯微鏡、微聚焦能量色散X射線熒光光譜儀、X射線衍射儀等,對柬埔寨Thnal Mrech窯與Bang Kong窯齣土的陶瓷器進行繫統的分析測試。結果錶明,兩箇窯口使用瞭不同種類的製瓷原料。Thnal Mrech窯的青釉瓷原料具有高硅低鋁的特徵,對原料的處理比較精細;瓷胎、釉顏色的差異,與其鐵、鈦等緻色元素的含量有關;兩箇窯口的瓷釉中,均添加瞭草木灰作為主要助鎔劑,從瓷釉的配方來說,Thnal Mrech窯與Bang Kong青釉瓷均屬鈣釉,而Bang Kang窯的醬釉瓷中既有鈣堿釉,也有堿鈣釉;柬埔寨吳哥時期陶瓷器的燒製溫度可達1200℃,同時,兩箇窯口的瓷器燒成溫度還沒有一箇嚴格的標準。分析結果對探討柬埔寨古陶瓷髮展史及中柬之間的文化交流史有重要參攷價值。
위게시고면고대자기적제작공예급기특정,용체시현미경、미취초능량색산X사선형광광보의、X사선연사의등,대간포채Thnal Mrech요여Bang Kong요출토적도자기진행계통적분석측시。결과표명,량개요구사용료불동충류적제자원료。Thnal Mrech요적청유자원료구유고규저려적특정,대원료적처리비교정세;자태、유안색적차이,여기철、태등치색원소적함량유관;량개요구적자유중,균첨가료초목회작위주요조용제,종자유적배방래설,Thnal Mrech요여Bang Kong청유자균속개유,이Bang Kang요적장유자중기유개감유,야유감개유;간포채오가시기도자기적소제온도가체1200℃,동시,량개요구적자기소성온도환몰유일개엄격적표준。분석결과대탐토간포채고도자발전사급중간지간적문화교류사유중요삼고개치。
By use of optical microscopy(OM),Micro-energy disperses X-ray fluorescence(EDXRF) and X-ray diffraction(XRD),ceramic samples from the Thnal Mrech klin(TMK) and the Bang Kong(BK) kiln were analyzed systematically to determine the ancient Khmer porcelain production process and its features.The analysis indicated that different types of porcelain clays were used at the two kilns.The body material of the celadon from TMK has high content of SiO2 and lower content of Al2O3,and the clay was extensively treated before use.The difference in color between the porcelain body and the glaze may relate to content of Fe2O3 and TiO2.Grass and wood ashes were found to have been used as a flux in both kilns.In term of chemical composition of the glaze,celadon of the two kilns belong to calcium glaze type.However,some of black glaze from BK is of the calcium-alkali type and some is alkali-calcium.Moreover,the firing temperature of the two kilns was higher than 1200℃,but neither kiln had strict criterion with regard to regulation of the firing temperature.These analytical results have important relevance to research on the history of Cambodia ceramics and the cultural exchanges between China and Cambodia.