Journal of Shandong Institute Of Physical Education And Sports
均方根振幅 能量消耗 慢跑鞋
均方根振幅 能量消耗 慢跑鞋
균방근진폭 능량소모 만포혜
RMS; power consumption; jogging-shoes
为了给广大体育爱好者从琳琅满目的运动鞋中选择适合自己的慢跑鞋提出建议,从肌电学和气体代谢方面分析穿4种不同慢跑鞋的能耗。肌电实验结果表明,穿不同慢跑鞋走(1.5 m/s)、跑(3.5 m/s)时,由于跑鞋的重量差异以及结构差异导致下肢8块肌肉放电量出现比较明显差异;气体代谢结果表明,穿不同类型的慢跑鞋在跑台上进行15分钟3.5 m/s匀速跑时,能量消耗差异也比较大。结合跑鞋和自身情况,运动爱好者要有目的性地选择适合自己的运动鞋。
為瞭給廣大體育愛好者從琳瑯滿目的運動鞋中選擇適閤自己的慢跑鞋提齣建議,從肌電學和氣體代謝方麵分析穿4種不同慢跑鞋的能耗。肌電實驗結果錶明,穿不同慢跑鞋走(1.5 m/s)、跑(3.5 m/s)時,由于跑鞋的重量差異以及結構差異導緻下肢8塊肌肉放電量齣現比較明顯差異;氣體代謝結果錶明,穿不同類型的慢跑鞋在跑檯上進行15分鐘3.5 m/s勻速跑時,能量消耗差異也比較大。結閤跑鞋和自身情況,運動愛好者要有目的性地選擇適閤自己的運動鞋。
위료급엄대체육애호자종림랑만목적운동혜중선택괄합자기적만포혜제출건의,종기전학화기체대사방면분석천4충불동만포혜적능모。기전실험결과표명,천불동만포혜주(1.5 m/s)、포(3.5 m/s)시,유우포혜적중량차이이급결구차이도치하지8괴기육방전량출현비교명현차이;기체대사결과표명,천불동류형적만포혜재포태상진행15분종3.5 m/s균속포시,능량소모차이야비교대。결합포혜화자신정황,운동애호자요유목적성지선택괄합자기적운동혜。
To the majority of sports fans from the dazzling array of jogging shoes to choose their own recommendations,this study from the EMG and gas metabolism of running shoes to wear,analyzed four different power consumptions.EMG results showed that different running shoes to wear walking(1.5m / s) and run(3.5m / s),due to differences in the weight of running shoes and structural differences lead to lower limb muscle discharge more obvious differences;Gas metabolic results show that different types of running shoes to wear in the running for 15 minutes on stage to 3.5m / s speed steady running,the power consumption difference is relatively large.Combination of running shoes and their own situation,sports enthusiasts have a purpose of choice for their own shoes.