Securities Market Herald
股指期货 定价误差 套利成本
股指期貨 定價誤差 套利成本
고지기화 정개오차 투리성본
stock index futures; mispricing; arbitrage cost
The article used cost-of-carry model,no arbitrage pricing principle and regression analysis methods did empirical study about how the daily trading data and the intra-day five minutes data has affected the mispricing of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index futures respectively.It can be shown from this research that the price of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index is on the high side most of time in China.It can be suggested that taking the factor of arbitrage cost into account,the pricing of stock index futures is efficient most of the time.However,when the stock market is fluctuating widely,the mispricing of the stock index futures will fluctuate in a wider range.Considering the factor which affects the mispricing of the stock index futures,it can be seen that the farther away from the due date,the bigger the pricing errors can be.Meanwhile,it can also be seen that the wider range the fluctuations of the spot index,the bigger the mispricing can be.Therefore,it can be drawn from this article that the hold number of the stock index futures does not have an obvious impact on the pricing errors,while the rising of interest rates date is strongly related to the pricing errors.