Journal of Northeast Normal University(Social Science)
建构理性 演化理性 自发秩序 制度形成
建構理性 縯化理性 自髮秩序 製度形成
건구이성 연화이성 자발질서 제도형성
Constructivist Rationalism; Evolutionist Rationalism; the Spontaneous Order; the System Institution
The research of the economics system formation has already been distinguished with two opposite principles:constructional rationalism and evolutionary rationalism.But under the present age,to the posterior developing governments who desire to surpass others by economic development,the discussion of the two opposite principles does not have any guiding help in the methodology.According to the posterior developing governments' constructive rationality of participating in the process,the direction and the degree of the market system formation,this article attempts to propose an explanation frame:during the economic developing initial period,by the posterior developing advantage,the governments will use constructive rationality power pushing to establish the basic and stable social order frame,pushing to develop the elementary government production,pushing to found governments subsidized basic pillar industry,and during this process,the governments will expand and protect people's transaction freedom gradually.As time goes by,when the interests subjects based on the spontaneous market come into being and grow,the unofficial regular knowledge which people accumulated by expanding unceasing free transaction can really connect with the external official market system frame,that is the time the government constructive rationality power withdraw.