Journal of Capital College of Physical Education
CBA 外籍球员 引进 制度变迁
CBA 外籍毬員 引進 製度變遷
CBA 외적구원 인진 제도변천
CBA; foreign player; introduction; institutional change
The introduction of foreign players ensures the balance and the uncertainty of CBA. In order to make the introduction more rational and scientifically, the reasons of institutional change, the method of institutional change, the limitation of time and the trends of introduction are analyzed by using the litera ture review, logical analysis and comparative analysis methods. The equilibrium and non-equilibrium of the system constitute the motivation of the introduction. In contrast to decentralized transactions, the central- ized transactions increase the efficiency of resource allocation, reduce the transaction costs and shorten the time of preparation,improve the professional level of transactions,construct the credit system and estab lish the brand of CBA. The introduction of two methods go beyond the simple transaction, forms the coexistence of a variety of transactions,and the proportion of centralized transactions and complex transactions are increased. The transaction is completed from the induced change to the mandatory change, and the limitation of playing time of foreign players reflects the requirements of playing sections.