Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
问责制 行政首长 责任
問責製 行政首長 責任
문책제 행정수장 책임
accountability; chief execntive; vesponsibility
A group of senior government officials are deposed because of working poor and responsible for major security incidents.Some problems exist commonly in practice of the chief executive of accountability system,such as Chief Executive's powers and the exercise of rule configuration;Personal liability of the chief executive of the specific methods and scope of such legal provisions is not clear,not specific.This led,in practice,the accountability of the chief executive of the rights and responsibilities appears unsuited to the problem;the chief executive should responsible foe what,and what circumstances the chief executive accountability.In addition,accountability of the chief executive of the single subject is not conducive to the Chief Executive of the effective implementation of the accountability;and the relative responsibilities of the Chief Executive should be punishing measures in place.Thus,suitable for China to establish accountability of the chief executive,the effective promotion of administrative reform and political reform process,the establishment of a socialist democratic political system under the responsibility of governments have important theoretical and practical significance.