Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Social Science Edition
样卷 词汇复杂度 词汇变异度 词汇密度 词汇丰富度 错词数
樣捲 詞彙複雜度 詞彙變異度 詞彙密度 詞彙豐富度 錯詞數
양권 사회복잡도 사회변이도 사회밀도 사회봉부도 착사수
range finder; lexical sophistication; lexical variation; lexical density; lexical richness; number of errors
In the discussion of lexical richness assessment in linguistic output in general and in assessing range find- er in particular, the paper analyzes the CET-4 (2010) range finder in terms of Iexical variation, lexical density, lexical sophistication and number of errors. The result shows that the lexical range is 98.5% within the most fre- quently used 2000 words; that the D value proves the most robust in interpretation and discrimination among dif- ferent levels of writing achievement; that lexical density, TTR and D value are significantly correlated with the global scores of the range finder by testing experts; that lexical density, TTR and D value are significantly differ- ent among writings between high achievers and low achievers as well as the intermediate while there is no significant different between the intermediate and the low achievers; and that the lower level the testee is, the more lexical spelling error he or she makes.