Economic Survey
诺贝尔经济学奖 区域经济学思想 中国区域经济研究
諾貝爾經濟學獎 區域經濟學思想 中國區域經濟研究
낙패이경제학장 구역경제학사상 중국구역경제연구
Nobel prize in economics; ideas on regional economics; research into Chinese regional economy
The ideas of the winners of'Nobel economics prize on regional economics involve regional differences and trade, regional eco- nomic development, regional competition and cooperation and so on. There is some relevance among these ideas. The academic ideas of the winners of Nobel Prize reflect that economic researches began to care about regional (special) issues, regional economic resear- ches turned to both macro and micro studies and the research method became more elaborate. These ideas can shed light on Chinese in- ter - regional trade and regional economic differences. Inspired by the ideas of the winners of Nobel economics prize on regional eco- nomics, the related researches of China should pay more attention to spacial elements and the things and phenomena with Chinese char- acteristics, making regional economic research normative and meticulous. At the same time, emphasis should be laid on the researches into institutional innovation and the establishment of regional economics with Chinese characteristics.