Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University
墨家逻辑 推理模式 中国思想史 逻辑思想 古代逻辑 中国逻辑 中国现代 逻辑体系
墨傢邏輯 推理模式 中國思想史 邏輯思想 古代邏輯 中國邏輯 中國現代 邏輯體繫
묵가라집 추리모식 중국사상사 라집사상 고대라집 중국라집 중국현대 라집체계
Mohist logic, which was developed in Pre-Qin period, is one of the richest examples of ancient Chinese logic. Mozi and his students constructed the first approach to Chinese logic which is based on the idea of "representing objects with names, expressing meaning with propositions, and providing causes with reasons (以名举实,以辞舒意,以说出故)". The reasoning patterns of Mohist logic consists of Pi (辟), Mou (侔), Yuan (援) and Tui (推), etc.In this paper, base on the previous research achievements, I will give a new explanation from the point of view of the general character of logical thought. The study on Mohist logic was thebeginning of the study on Chinese logical thought, the study on Mohist logic is one of the core component of the study of Chinese logic. The attention of the international academic community to Chinese logic as a non-Indo-European system shows its values as an independentsubject. Contemporary studies of Chinese logical thought are at an intersection between Chinese logic and culture, so it is from these two perspectives that we must study it. It is a new method to study Mohist logic by using the general properties of logic: logic is a tool, is formal,and it concerned with validity.