Journal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
《外交报》 《伯尔尼公约》 传播
《外交報》 《伯爾尼公約》 傳播
《외교보》 《백이니공약》 전파
The Diplomatic Review; the Berne Convention; communication
The communication about the Berne Convention by The Diplomatic Review was not the first Chinese version of the Berne Convention was published in 1902,supplemented by a similar version of the Berne Convention but more concisely,accurately as well as colloquial in Oct,1909.In August 1909,an article about Universal Copyright Convention published by The Diplomatic Review gave a brief overview of the first revision of the Berne Convention and its final act during the Universal Copyright Congress in 1908 in Berlin,Germany.The publication of the Berne Convention caused widespread communication and made a greater leap forward than 16 years ago.It had played the same important role as the first Chinese version of the Berne Convention.In the mean time,The Diplomatic Review published a several papers to have a discussion about whether China should join the Berne Convention and caused a lot of publicity.Thus,the communication of the Berne Convention in China has been substantially influenced by The Diplomatic Review.