Journal of Modern Information
应用型本科高校 大学生 信息素养能力 现状
應用型本科高校 大學生 信息素養能力 現狀
응용형본과고교 대학생 신식소양능력 현상
applied undergraduate; university students; information literacy competency; present situation
Information literacy competency is the basis of university students' scientific research and knowledge innovation ability.The university students are the major force for social development,so their status of information literacy increasingly attracted the attention of people.By sampling randomly and performing a survey on the applied undergraduate students,the results is that:(1)The status of information literacy:The level of information literacy competency about the applied undergraduate students is unbalanced,in four dimensions of the information literacy,the level of the information awareness of the students is the highest,the level of information innovation is lower,and the level of information security and moral is the lowest.Between the status and the purpose of information literacy,there is a disparity.(2)Factors affecting the information literacy:academic of the students has more effect on the overall level of information literacy,and each factor has different effect on four dimensions of the information literacy,among which,the effect of academic performance is the most widely,not only on the overall level,but also on three of the four dimensions.Clarify these affecting factors,then strategies and evaluation criteria to improve the information literacy of the students can be formulated more scientifically.