Journal of Shandong Normal University(Social Science Edition)
气 情 援气入情 援气入景 互补互化
氣 情 援氣入情 援氣入景 互補互化
기 정 원기입정 원기입경 호보호화
Q/ (train of thoughts in creative writing) ; emotion; put Qi into feelings; put Qi into scenery; complement and transformation
"Sufficient in affection, but lacking by Zhong Rong on Zhanghua' s poems, and Mengjin". Through the comparison between the in Qi " and "letting fly the Qi" are respectively the comment that by Yuan Jing on Wang Rong' s poem " Frost Covers two commented poems, what may be inferred is that Qi bears an enormously significant influence on emotion. There are human Qi (breath) and literary Qi (train of thoughts in creative writing), but, as their connotations show, there is consistency in their ultimate pursuit. Qi will help to guide and transcend the expression of feelings, keeping it from mere venting and pomposity. Therefore, in literary writing, enough attention is to be paid to the pursuit of Qi , and a combination of Qi and emotion will certainly complement each other.