Journal of Shandong Normal University(Social Science Edition)
侍坐 论语 沂乎浴 风乎舞雩
侍坐 論語 沂乎浴 風乎舞雩
시좌 론어 기호욕 풍호무우
sitting with the Master; The Analects of Confucius; "Yi hu yu" (沂乎浴) ; Feng hu wu yu"(风乎舞雩)
On emending the section of" Sitting with the Master", Chapter 11, The Analects of Confucius, variant forms of the same Chinese character are to be found, such as "Wu" () and "Wu" (无) ; "Yi" ( 以 ) and "Yi" (已 ) ; "Gui" ( 归 ) and "kui "(馈), but with the former in each pair as the standard form. Consequently, "Wu Wu Yi"(母无已 ), namely "wu wu yi ju"(母无已居), means that "One should not stay at home like ( or: with) me. " And "Fang" (方) refers to criteria and/or principles, whereas "Shen" ( 哂 ), laughing at. This "laughing at", however, is the same with "Wu chang jian xiao yu da fang zhi jia" (Autumn Waters, see Zhuang Zi). " Zuan" (撰)is written as Quan (撰), meaning that a person is good at talking "Yi hu yu (沂乎浴) means sui shi fu chu pan yu"( 岁时祓除畔浴) ,while "Feng hu wu yu" (风乎舞雩) means that one dances in "Yu tan"( "Wu yu" being the proper noun for "Wu tan"). In addition, "Yong er gui" ( 泳而归 ) means that one sings "Yi Xi" in The Book of Songs, whereas "Wu yu dian" ( 吾与点) reveals Confucius' sadness and hopelessness, and euphemistically expresses his criticism for Zeng Dian.