Chinese Teaching in the World
名动词 V-ing形式 名动包含 动名词
名動詞 V-ing形式 名動包含 動名詞
명동사 V-ing형식 명동포함 동명사
nouny verb, V-ing form, "noun includes verb" pattern, verbal noun
The category "nouny verb" as established by Zhu (1982, 1985a, b) has two problems. First, it is difficult to delimit the scope of the category with certainty using the proposed criterions. Second, the definition of the category leads to inconsistency in theory and the whole system. While the criterions have room for improvement, the definition of the category is in conflict with Zhu'sview that there is no nominalization in Chinese and violates the Principle of Simplicity. We point out that the category "nouny verb" in Chinese is not equivalent to the "V-ing form" in English, because in English all verbs have V-ing forms but in Chinese "nouny verbs" constitute only a small part of the verbs. What is equivalent to V-ing forms in Chinese is the whole verb category. In other words, all the verbs in Chinese are verbal nouns in nature. To solve the above problems we propose to establish the "noun includes verb" pattern in Chinese and to differentiate degrees of "nouniness" with the more reliable monovs. disyllable criterion.