Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Philosophy & Social Science)
大清会典 蒙古游牧记 喀尔喀地名 误读考辨
大清會典 矇古遊牧記 喀爾喀地名 誤讀攷辨
대청회전 몽고유목기 객이객지명 오독고변
The Record of Laws and Systems of the Qing Dynasty; A Note of Mongolian Nomadic Life; the place name of Ka'erka; textual research about misreadings
The Qing Dynasty committed enormous man power and material resources to drawing a number of maps about each administrative unit,among which there were the maps of the leagues and banners.On the basis of Maps of Leagues and Banners in the Qing Dynasty,the library responsible for the compilation of laws and systems of the Qing Dynasty organized personnel to compile the Records of Laws and Systems of the Qing Dynasty,in which the volumes about the frontiers recorded the nomadic area of each league and banner in details.Zhang Mu's A Note of Mongolian Nomadic Life absorbed its achievements,and by taking the inland prefectures and counties as an instance,he attempted for the first time to write about the administrative units of outlying Mongolians-the historical geography of the leagues and banners.Zhang Mu made great contributions to the historical geography research about Mongolians and left a great legacy for the frontier history and geography research.But due to the years in which these two books were written,the historical environment and language ability of the writers,there are many mistakes in the recording of place names,nomadic areas and direction identifications,etc.This article tries to make an exploration about thousands of place names in the 4 leagues and 86 banners of Ka'erka and a correction and categorization about them based on the Nomadic Map of Mongolians and many other ancient,historical and modern maps.