Journal of JIanghan University:Social Sciences
移民高校教师 住房 社会融入 移民效应 人力资本效应
移民高校教師 住房 社會融入 移民效應 人力資本效應
이민고교교사 주방 사회융입 이민효응 인력자본효응
immigrant higher schools teachers; housing; social inclusion; immigrating effect; effect of human capital
To obtain honorable house in the settlement and to be well included into the society are two essential challenges for the immigrants. By the investigation on the immigrant higher schools teachers in Zhangzhou, Fujian shows that the teachers realize social inclusions in housing and marriage rapidly, and housing plays active role in social inclusion. The investigation also shows that the effects of rural - urban immigration on housing and social inclusions are insignificant, and migration distance negative effects are weakened by the immigration time effect though still strong. Such profile of immigrant higher schools teachers forms striking contrast to that of the migrant farmers who have taken more than thirty years in trying to be included into the urban society. The active role of high human capital can be clearly observed in crossing "the immigrants' bridge". But compared with the local teachers, the living condition of the immigrating teachers are poorer. The degree of their social and cultural inclusions and determination are relatively low and they are facing devaluation of their education background.