Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education
孔兆伟 曹建民 谢敏豪 苏浩 朱文斐 萧洁华 时庆德 梁洪波
孔兆偉 曹建民 謝敏豪 囌浩 硃文斐 蕭潔華 時慶德 樑洪波
공조위 조건민 사민호 소호 주문비 소길화 시경덕 량홍파
Macao; Beijing; university staff; cardiovascular disease; risk factors
Objective: This study is aimed to provide practical advioes on the prevention of cardiovascular disease for the u- niversities teaching and administrative staff in Maeau and Beijing by analyzing and mmtxmng the differences in the risk factors in these two places. Method: An assessment together with a questionnaire survey is carded out to investigate the 11 cardiovasculur disease risk factors including lifestyle, blood lipid conditions and exercise habits among 140 universitystaff in Macau and 460 in Beijing. Result: It is found out that on the part of Macau university staff the average level of risk factors of cardiovsacular disease is significantly lower and the indexes correlated with hyper triglyceride, high blcrdpressure and stocking status perform rmrkedly better. Moreover, staff of the both sides show a prevalence of obesity and lack of exerdse, and the proportion of people from Macau who exercise regularly is comparatively maaller than that fromBeijing. Furthermore, the numbers of risk factors in male staffs are significantly more than these of in females both in Macau and Beijing. Conclusion: It is suggested that university staff from the two places sbould participate in exercisemore often in order to reduce the chance of suffering from obesity as well as crrdiovaascular disease. Male staff need pay wore attention on their health than female staff.