Agricultural History of China
化肥 有机肥。农家肥.近代农业.江南地区
化肥 有機肥。農傢肥.近代農業.江南地區
화비 유궤비。농가비.근대농업.강남지구
chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, manure, agriculture in modern times, south-eastChina
Chemical fertilizer as the main marker of Western agriculture was first introduced to China in the early 20th century. During the 1920s and 1930s, its application gradually increased in the south and the coastal provinces, but was still in the experimental and promotion stage and couldn't be widely used in the agricultural production. Organic fertilizer (manure) is China's traditional fertilizer. In modern times, organic fertilizer was still the main fertilizer used in south-eastern China. Moreover, agronomists began to study the production and application of organic fertilizers by means of Western experimental science. As a result, chemical fertilizer had limited influence on the local agricultural production. Foreign fertilizer and domestic organic fertilizer have their own advantages and disadvantages. The sales, application and promotion of chemical fertilizer as well as the combination of chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer had triggered the theoretical consideration, argument and experimental research from agronomists and agricultural which gradually changed the concept of traditional fertilizer and fertilization methods in South-East managers, China. Aset of experiences has been summarized, that was, mainly using the organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer. The changes in the application, extension and study of Chemical and organic fertilizer in South-eastern regions reflect the difficulties and historical characteristics in the intersection process of West and China agriculture and have certain referential values for today' s advocacy of rational use of chemical fer- tilizes and reusing organic fertilizer.