Jounal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
省域视野 基本公共服务均等化 模式选择 度量
省域視野 基本公共服務均等化 模式選擇 度量
성역시야 기본공공복무균등화 모식선택 도량
provincial perspective; equalization of basic public services ; mode selection; measurement
The equalization of basic public services is the starting point and destination of the social construction,reflecting the core and focus of social construction, as well as the social construction in the practical level. At this stage, the inter-regional basic public services demonstrate the characteristics of the non-equalization, mainly between the central China, Western regions and the East, between different provinces, between urban and rural areas. Additionally, as to the various parts within the same province, the level of basic public services also indicates a situation of inequality,and sometimes there are extraordinary gaps. The reasons for the non-equalization are the varied level of economic development among regions within the province, inter- regional fiscal capacity differences, the provincial transfer payment system and so on. Achieving the equalization of basic public services in the province within the region, plays an important part in promote the process of equalization of basic public services. So it is essential to explore into the basic public service equalization mode suited to the actual situation in the province and achieve the equalization of basic public services within the region.