On Economic Problems
国有银行 股份制银行 贷款期限 贷款利率
國有銀行 股份製銀行 貸款期限 貸款利率
국유은행 고빈제은행 대관기한 대관리솔
state -owned banks; joint- stock banks; loan term; interest rate
Based on the data of long - term loans of Chinese listed companies in 2009, there are two opposed samples, namely loan from state - owned banks and loan from joint - stock banks, which are used to its independ- ent samples T test to exam the difference in customers and loan pricing between each kind of banks. It is found that : ( 1 ) from the aspect of corporate themselves, the joint - stock banks pay more attention to risk control and the corporate solvency ; (2) both state - owned banks and joint - stock banks are not advantage, their average real in- terest rates are less than the benchmark rate ; (3) based on state - owned banks sample, the loan term of state - owned enterprises are longer than private enterprises; (4) based on joint- stock banks sample, the state -owned enterprises have pricing advantage and get the interest below benchmark rate, but on the contrary, the private en- terprises get a higher rate pricing, which more than benchmark.