Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
徐跃进 沈振锋 康国光 陈啸 张莎莎
徐躍進 瀋振鋒 康國光 陳嘯 張莎莎
서약진 침진봉 강국광 진소 장사사
农民教育 一村一名大学生计划 人才培养模式 新农村建设 创新
農民教育 一村一名大學生計劃 人纔培養模式 新農村建設 創新
농민교육 일촌일명대학생계화 인재배양모식 신농촌건설 창신
farmer's education; One Village One Student Plan; talents training mode; the new ru- ral construction ; innovation
"One Village One Student Plan Training Mode" is designed to cultivate compound and applied talents who are retainable, appliable, skilled, good management for the vast rural areas, to mine and utilize human resources in rural areas effectively, boosting the socialist new rural construction. Since 2008, Huazhong Agricultural University has been involved in the project. In the light of rural so- cio-economic development and the trainees' actual culture, Huazhong Agricultural University focused on agricultural personnel requirements consistent for goal setting, targeted and agricultural production characteristics for curriculum system, the adaptability of the agricultural production process for teaching process organization, synchronized with the cycle of agricultural production for the implementation of practice teaching. Huazhong Agricultural University has made a useful exploration and practice to build the "One Village One Student Plan Training Mode", and has achieved significant results in practice.