Comparative Economic and Social Systems
企业契约 不确定性问题 商业创意 企业家
企業契約 不確定性問題 商業創意 企業傢
기업계약 불학정성문제 상업창의 기업가
Firm Contract ; Uncertainty; Business Idea; Entrepreneur
By analyzing how firm contracts are formed, this paper argues that the nature of the firm is the mechanism for achieving innovation. The key is using innovative production methods to resolve difficulties in resource integration caused by uncertainties. Only from this starting point can we understand the structure and function of firm contracts. The central viewpoints of this paper are as follows: First, we cannot understand the origin and structure of contractual relations only through transaction contracts. Second, to understand the source of firm con- tracts,we need to understand the resource integration associated with production activities. Third,the key to re- solving the resource integration problem is dealing with uncertainties associated with production activities. Fourth, to deal with these uncertainties, the entrepreneur should utilize innovative production methods to improve the effectiveness of resource integration. Fifth, dealing with uncertainties in order to improve the effectiveness of resource integration should be the main content of firm contracts. Sixth, the entrepreneur that presents and implements the business ideas is the firm's central contractor.