Economic Management Journal(EMJ)
产权制度 治理结构 国有企业 自主创新能力
產權製度 治理結構 國有企業 自主創新能力
산권제도 치리결구 국유기업 자주창신능력
property system; governance structure ; state-owned enterprise ; independent innovation ability
On the basis of the definition of the effectiveness of governance institution on independent innovation of enterprise, the paper applies the evaluation index system of independent innovation ability of enterprise released by China Statistical Bureau as benchmarking, develops a new evaluation index system of independent innovation ability of stateowned enterprise by identifying the indexes value and applying entropy weight method. With this in dex system, the paper measured the independent innovation ability of stateowned enterprise and other ownership enterprise. The result shows that the independent innovation ability of stateowned enterprise is not lower than other ownership enterprise from the angle of development trend, especially that of stateowned holding enterprise and solely stateowned company is far superior to other types of enterprise; solely stateowned company has the obvious advantage of technological innovation resource, and its technological innovation activities are more, but unfortunate ly its technical innovation output capacity is lower; solely stateowned enterprise has the resource for innovation, however, its innovation activities, and the integrated innovation capability, especially innovation output capacity, are very lower; the study on collective enterprise find: the technological innovation resource of collective enterprise is the least, and innovation environment is poor, but the innovation activities, output capacity and comprehensive evaluation capacity is not low. Combined with the conclusion, we propose: 1. Deepen the reform of property system of stateowned enter prise, implement the jointstock, corporate restructuring, and to promote the restructuring of stateowned enterpri ses. The government should restructure corporate system of stateowned enterprises, implement the reform of SOE ownership diversification and equity diversified. 2. Deepen the reform of governance system of stateowned enterpri ses. After basically setting up the modem enterprise system of stateowned enterprises, the followingup task of gov ernance reform of stateowned enterprises is to further optimize governance system, and improve the institution of in dependent innovation of stateowned enterprises. 3. Reform and improve the internal management mechanism of training and introduction of innovative talents, innovation incentives, innovation performance evaluation of state owned enterprises etc. 4. Strengthen support for independent innovation of collective enterprise. The government should make an emphasis on the status and role of collective enterprise, and consciously strengthen support from the policies, and action. 5. Intensify support for finance, as well as taxation, and perfect the supporting policies, impro ving the environment for innovation. The government should establish a governmentled policy guidance and security system, deepen the investment and financing systems, and provide a relaxed environment for technology innovation.