West Asia and Africa
石油合作 南苏丹 中国
石油閤作 南囌丹 中國
석유합작 남소단 중국
Petroleum Cooperation ; South Sudan ; China
The Republic of South Sudan, the world' s most oil - dependent country, is facing bleak prospect of oil exploration, lack of inconsistent oil industry and oil infrastructure, limited spaces for modifying the oil contracts taken over from the Republic of Sudan and problem of cross - border oil field management. The Re- public of South Sudan has not established its oil industry management system at pres- ent. Chinese oil company, on the basis of fully understanding of environmental and social justice problems in South Sudan, shall actively negotiate with government of South Sudan for recognition and modification of the existing oil contracts, consoli- date oil investments at a time when the United States continues to maintain restric- tions on oil investments in South Sudan. Relying on multilateral reputation mecha- nisms and formal System of third- party mechanisms, Chinese government should balance its oil interests in Sudan and South Sudan, improve bilateral energy cooper- ation mechanism between China and South Sudan, and safeguard legal oil interests in South Sudan.